Reporting and Analytics

Make report writing a pleasure.  Save oodles of time.
Knock out clear analytics with a couple of clicks.
Get your holidays back.

Produce exactly the report style you want  -  data laden and informative or illustrative and engaging  -  or both. All automatically produced, so all you have to do is add your words of wisdom.

Take all the pain out of producing Annual Review reports - whichever local authorities you work with.

Let technology take the work out of report writing and allow your creativity full rein.

Report formats - an infinite variety

Termly, year-end, annual review, intervention  - create your own school templates for any of these, in the knowledge that Earwig will fill them with accurate data, and charts and including selected images and other records.

Add your own covers and visuals to produce informative reports that your school can be proud of and free up your staff for more face time with pupils.

You can even combine information from several different frameworks or curricula into one cohesive report.

Make annual reviews seriously productive

Preparing for annual reviews - and following up  -  is a year-round effort for your teachers. Earwig really does make producing the documentation and revising EHCP based targets so much quicker and easier - no matter which local authorities you work with.

It even makes the actual meetings more productive.  To find out how, ask for a free online Earwig demo.

School analytics for governors, bosses or MATs

Spend less time producing performance data and more time learning from it. Knock out your charts and tables with a couple of clicks. There’s still fun for the spreadsheet freaks, but you can produce all the data you need without going near one.

MAT leaders can hop from school to school and look at things in their own way.

Recent Headteacher quote - ‘You’ve given me back a week of my holiday!’.
Join other special school leaders at earwig conferences in beautiful locations around the country, where educators share ideas and experience.