Which version is right for you?

It’s decision time

The grid below will show you what you get for each of the three versions of Earwig. We know that this list is rather dauntingly long.  But that’s because Earwig has a lot of facilities.  One way to make sure you understand the options is to ask for a demo. But if you are happy making the Bronze, Silver or Gold decision on your own, start with the video, which will illustrate the key decision points.

All features great & small

Unit SizeThe first consideration is unit size. If you are likely to need to use the account with more than 80 pupils you will need a Gold account.

Allied to this is the question of how your pupil and staff data will be kept up to date. Gold accounts can be synchronised automatically with your school management information system, so your Earwig account is always current. Silver and Bronze accounts must be updated manually whenever a change of pupils or staff occurs. So, if your setting runs a conventional school MIS (SIMS, Arbor, etc.) you probably need Gold.

Assessment FrameworksHow many pupil assessment frameworks will you need? The limit for Bronze is three.  For Silver, it’s six.

Apart from the numerical limit, there is the question of framework and grading scheme design. Bronze accounts choose from a list of about 50 commonly used frameworks which come with pre-configured grading schemes, which can't be changed.  If you are happy to accept this more limited menu, then go with Bronze, but if you would like more choice, and the facility to change the grading scheme to suit your process, then you will need Silver for up to six frameworks, Gold if you need more.

Silver and Gold accounts can choose from more than 300 options in the Framework Library.  Gold customers can also design their own.

Support & TrainingThe Earwig app and website contain instruction panels and video guides on every screen. Bronze users will need to be prepared to set up and manage their own Earwig accounts, using these guides, without one-on-one support  -  although this can be ordered as a paid-for extra.

Silver accounts have many more framework and other configuration options available to them.  So one online support meeting is built into the minimum starting pack and more can be ordered.

The setup fees for Gold accounts include at least three online setup and training meetings, to ensure that every Earwig Gold account is set up correctly for that school and that staff are able to get the maximum benefit from the application.

PriceIf cost is a primary consideration then you should look at Bronze first. The annual fee for a Bronze account is typically £400 to £800.
A Silver account will usually cost between £800 and £1,200 annually. A typical Gold account will require between £1,200 and £1,900 a year.
It is worth noting that these costs are all significantly below those of similar software systems, which is amazing, given that Earwig provides more functionality, more ease of use and more support.

Why not have a demo?If you’re a devil for detail, you can pore over the list below.  If you are all for an easy life, just hit the ‘Demo’ button and ask your Consultant.

Made your choice?

Now to find out what your chosen account type will cost and get started, try our package calculator.

Features grid

Self Setup
Self Managed
Fully Supported
Earwig  Modules
Annual  Licence fees
Evidence module (max pupils)
£150 (10)
£300 (10)
£690  (100)
The  Evidence Module is the core Earwig function.   So required for all accounts. The figure in brackets is the maximum  number of pupils allowed with each pack.
Expanded Pupil Pack
£60 (30)
£120 (30)
£320  (200)
Expand  the number of pupils that your account can accommodate.  The figure in brackets is the maximum  number of pupils allowed with each pack.
Maximum Pupil Pack
£120 (80)
£240 (80)
£580  (600)
Expand  the number of pupils that your account can accommodate, to the limit of each  version.  The figure in brackets is the  maximum number of pupils allowed with each pack.
Assessment module (max frameworks)
£150 (1)
£300 (2)
£690 (4)
The  Assessment Module provides all the basic tools to assess and track pupil  progress. Fundamental to almost all Earwig accounts.
Expanded Framework Pack
£60 (2)
£180 (4)
£360 (8)
Expand  the number of frameworks that your account can accommodate.  The figure in brackets is the maximum  number of frameworks allowed with each pack.
Maximum Framework pack
£100 (3)
£320 (6)
£640  (40)
Expand  the number of frameworks that your account can accommodate.  The figure in brackets is the maximum  number of frameworks allowed with each pack.
Assessment Baselining
Set  baselines. Track performance from these. Use in reports.
Lesson Planning tool
Choose which targets are next steps for each pupils and have these automatically updated.Thus produce individual lesson plan outlines by pupil or subject.
Reporting and Analytics module
The  Reporting and analytics module allows teachers to produce a huge variety of  pupil progress reports and the SLT to produce school-wide performance  reports.
Pupil Portal
Collect  and display data from various sources and frameworks in one place for each  pupil.  Produce amalgamated reports  from different frameworks.
Parent Access module
Provide  parents with a window into their children's work at school, via their own  login. Allow parents to create their own observations, if you wish.
Student Portfolio module
Allow  selected pupils to create their own records and apply these to teacher set  and monitored projects.
School Blog and Diary module
Select  records to add to a school blog. Communicate with parents via a diary  function.
Limited User Permissions
Restrict  some permissions or access for junior staff or external professionals.
Multi-School Access
Allow  selected senior staff or MAT executives to access several school accounts via  a single Earwig login.
Single  Charges
System Setup (incl. meetings)
£180 *
£480 *
An  online meeting for SLT or accounts owners with an Earwig Consultant, to  ensure that the account is correctly set up for your particular unit and  framework selections are optimised. Required for Silver and Gold accounts.
Evidence Training
£270 *
A  meeting for all teachers and other staff users, to ensure that they know how  to create, enhance, manage, display, share and report on teaching evidence,  across the school.  Required for Gold  accounts.
Assessment Training
£270 *
A  meeting for all teachers and other staff users, to ensure that they know how  to assess, baseline and track pupil progress across the school.  Required for Gold accounts.
Reporting & Analytics Training
A  meeting for all SLT members and those with responsbility for pupil reports or  school analytics. Learn how to create school-specific or framework-specific  report formats and enhance these with evidence.
Administrator Training
An extra  meeting specifically for staff selected as Earwig Admins, to ensure that they  manage the Earwig account optimally.
Annual Earwig Review
Gold  accounts enjoy a free annual meeting with their designated Consultant, to  review activity in the app, look at framework strategy, learn about new  features and get the most operational benefit from your Earwig account.
New Staff & Refresher Training
Help new  staff to get up to speed with Earwig.
In-School Visit
All  Earwig training is online unless Gold accounts would prefer an in-school  visit.
Custom curriculum framework
If you  have a curriculum or assessment framework which is specific to your school,  your Consultant and the Earwig experts will ensure that it is built into your  Earwig Gold account for you. Price is indicative only.
Custom editable EHCP framework
If you  have an EHCP-based assessment framework which is specific to your school,  your Consultant and the Earwig experts will ensure that it is built into your  Earwig Gold account for you.
Custom school report
There  are hundreds of report format options already in Earwig.  But Gold accounts can request a report  format to their own design.
* Required
Technical  Features
Account  configuration
Manual user data management
Bronze  and Silver accounts are able to manage their pupil, staff, subject and other  lists themselves. Gold accounts can do this or synchornise daily with their  school MIS.
School colours and logo
Choose  the banner colour and applyyour school logo to all screens and documents.
Administrator Access
Select  one or more users to have 'Administrator' permissions.
Staff Access
All  staff have their own logins and all activity is tracked.
Parent Timelines
Allow  parents to see their children's timelines, chat with teachers about  individual records.
Consultant Support
Bronze  accounts look after themselves, with help from Earwig Customer Service.  Silver accounts can purchase meetings with and Earwig Consultant. Gold  accounts have permanent access to their own designated Consultant.
Automatic MIS data synchronisation
Gold  accounts can synchronise their staff, pupil and other data with their school  MIS.  So their data is always current.
Limited and monitored access for junior staff
Provide  junior staff with limited access to Earwig data until the SLT is confortable  with them having full access.
Limited access for external professionals.
Link any records to as many different assessment frameworks or individual targets as you wish.
Pupil logins
Allow  pupils to create their own portfolio of progress and report against specific  projects created by teachers.
Evidence collection and record creation software
The core  Earwig facility.  See  wwwearwigacademic.com for details
Evidence collection and record creation mobile app
The app  makes everything easier and faster.   See wwwearwigacademic.com for details
Unlimited photo, video, document storage
All  securely stored in the cloud. No limits.
Create external and internal evidence commentary
Because  you may not always want parents to see everything you write.
School designated subject tags
Choose  your own list of subjects and other activities to be able to produce a  timeline for activity across the school.
Flag 'Key Records'
Because  special schools create very many records.   It helps to be able to cut the clutter.
School designated support level tags
With  special needs, it's important to include the level of help each pupil  received when completing a task. This is the quick, easy way to do it.
Flag records with the Engagement Model lenses
A  special feature to allow PMLD schools to complete their statutory obligation  to report on engagement annualy to parents with a few clicks.
Link evidence to assessment targets/outcomes
Link any records to as many different assessment frameworks or individual targets as you wish.
Bronze is self-setup.  So no  setup fee.
Grade evidence against assessment criteria
Or grade  first and add evidence later.
Bronze is self-setup.  So no  setup fee.
Easy, fast, vivid timelines/learning journeys
Produce  elegant and vivid timelines and learning journeys with a couple of clicks.
Refine timelines with a three-tier filter
Filter  your records for classes, subjects, pupils, teachers, curricula, activities,  groups and may other criteria, to refine your timeline to exactly what you  want to see.
Easy timeline based qualitative reports
Turn any  timeline into a smart report for parents, governors or any other purpose,  with a couple of clickjs.
Parents create their own observations
Parents  can be allowed to add their own records to their child's timeline, for an  all-round view of achievement.
Flag 'Exemplar' records
Select  records as 'exemplars' of particular achievement levels, to use specifically  for moderation within school or with other schools.
School designated achievement awards
Reward  pupils in any way you like with achievement awards for parents to see.
Custom flag and tag sets
Add  whatever additional flags to your school records to enable teacher to add  information to records with a single click, rather than writing commentary.
School-specific  ad-hoc tags
Create  your own list of topics so that you can easily create a timeline for 'our  trip to the seaside' or whatever you like.
Pupils create their own records/timelines
Allow  pupils to create their own portfolio of progress and report against specific  projects created by teachers.
Turn records into blog posts
Select  records to add to a school blog. Communicate with parents via a diary  function.
Quick access to 50 widely used assessment frameworks
Designed  for small schools and education units - a limited selection of the most  widely used assessment frameworks, with pre-set grading structures.
Assess against individualised EHCP frameworks
A vital  facility for SEND educators in the 20s. Create an individual set of targets  based on EHCP required outcomes, for each pupil
Link evidence to assessment content
Another  core feature of Earwig. Tie each record to one or more specific learning  objectives to support progress evaluation.
Wide selection of pupil report templates to choose from
Track  progress vividly across, terms, half-terms or any other education cycle.  Configure your own tracking reports.
Review tracking data for previous years
Track  back to previous years.
Choose from 300+ assessment frameworks
Browse  the Earwig Framework Library to find whatever suite of curricula or  assessment frameworks that works best for your school.
Define framework-specific grading schemes
Set your  own grading levels and colour schemes.
Set custom dates for assessment cycles
Define  your own assessment cycles.
Set current or historical baselines
Set  baselines whenever appropriate. Measure progress and then report against  these.
Identify 'Next Steps' for pupils to work on
A  facility to enable teachers to create outline lesson plans from framework  targets.
School generated guides to ensure consistency
Provide  staff with built-in guides to ensure assessment consistency.
Design custom assessment frameworks
Link any records to as many different assessment frameworks or individual targets as you wish.
Bronze is self-setup.  So no  setup fee.
Reporting and Analytics
11 Pupil report templates. Many styling/ config options
Choose  from a range of report templates and hundreds of detailed configuration  options to create your perfect set of school reports.
11 EHCP report templates. Many styling/ config options
Choose  from a range of report templates and hundreds of detailed configuration  options to create EHCP based Annual Review reports for any local authority.
Pupil reports for previous terms/ cycles/ years
Report  across years.
Progress and attainment data for individuals and groups
A wide  selection of school analytics and associated exports to Excel or report  formats.
Set year-end expectations for individuals and groups
Teachers  can set expectations for each pupil and report progress against these.
Working levels automatically calculated
Earwig  will calculate 'best fit' working levels for any stage in any framework.
Compare performance of different classes/ groups/ years
Knock  out all the year-end group comparative performance data that you need - with  a few clicks.
Produce detailed analytics reports with one click
Class,  group, year or school-wide analytics at you fingertips.  Any level of detail.
Configure and export data to your spec
Keep the  spreadsheet freaks happy.
Consolidate framework data into one single pupil report
Amalgamate  reports from different assessment schemes into a single report for each  pupil.
Custom report builds
If you  have a particular report format that we don't have yet, we'll build it for  you.
Optional Add-on
Customised to your specification

Made your choice?

Now find out what your account will cost and get started, try our package calculator.