Teaching evidence

It starts here

Capturing, managing and sharing teaching evidence takes up too much of teachers’ time  The Earwig app is designed to turn the whole business of providing teaching evidence, making assessments, tracking progress and reporting, into a pleasure rather than a chore.

More about the earwig evidence module

What does it do?

Captures and stores a wide range of media.
Creates records of learner’s performance.
Flags records with custom information tags for easy retrieval.
Links records to assessment data to support robust teacher judgements. Produces vivid teaching and learning timelines to share with families.
Builds performance reports to illustrate learning over any timeframe.
Allows learners to create and share their own records.

Why do you need it?

Educational practitioners have always been asked to validate their pupil assessment. This is designed to ensure good practice across the sector, however, the workload associated with permanently having to justify your judgement can be wearing.

Earwig makes it faster, easier, better.

Evidence can be uploaded via an app. Make assessments as you go and add a range of flags and custom tags to pack each record with information in a few clicks.

Records take moments to create and are shared automatically with the relevant staff and family members. Timelines for learners, classes, subjects and many other criteria, can be generated and displayed instantly to any stakeholders that need them.

The app makes it easy

The Earwig teacher's app makes the whole process easier, faster and more intuitive. Create informative records and assess progress  in record time.
"I am just loving using earwig!"
ruth simcock, early years coordinator, star academy, stoke

How the evidence module works

Check the video to see how teachers use the software and the app to create and manage their evidence and make sure that they are always 'Ofsted ready'.

A few key points

A timeline filter enables you to produce a vivid, detailed and informative timeline for any class, group, subject, curriculum, topic or pupil  -over any selected time period - with three or four clicks.
You can share selected records with parents  -  who can create records of their own.
Because Earwig is cloud-based, you can access these timelines from anywhere.
Turn a timeline into a PDF document in a couple of clicks and save or share.
All images and other media are held behind secure logins approved by the school.
Images and video taken using the app are immediately deleted.  So no risk of images on handheld devices.
Earwig will synchronise with yours school MIS, seamlessly.  So it's always up to date with pupil, parent or staff details and movements.